Die Entwicklung der Massenmedien in Europa. Neue Möglichkeiten, Chancen und Bedingungen in der Verkündigung der Frohen Botschaft


  • Gerd Bacher


Massenmedien in Europa, religiöse Medieninhalte, religiöse Medien,


Ich verstehe mich als ein Praktiker, der die Vehikel vorzustellen hat, die in Zukunft der Verkündigung als Medien zur Verfügung stehen. Dankenswerterweise wurde ich in der Einladung darauf aufmerksam gemacht, daß ich dies nur von der technischen und publizistischen Seite her zu besorgen hätte, ohne Berücksichtigung des astoralen Aspekts. Ich werde mich in meinem Referat vornehmlich auf den engeren Begriff der Massenmedien beschränken, also vor allem auf die elektronischen und dann noch auf die Presse. (...) 


In his paper for the meeting of communication responsible people at the European Bishops' Conferences in Schönbrunn, Switzerland, (18th-22nd April, 1983), the Director General of the Austrian Broadcasting dealt with the development of mass media in Europe and the possibilities and conditions of such a development for the proclamation of the Church. Society depends on information, but through new technologies the mass media are going to change. These changes are especially to be expected in three areas, in the broadband cable systems, the home electronics like video recorder and video records, and through direct broadcasting satellites. An oversaturation of the recipients however, despite the many programmes,
at least for European countries, is not to be expected. Also print media like newspapers, periodicals and books are not going to suffer. The growing mass media however create cthical problems for journalists and producers. The growing possibilities are not matched with growing responsibilities. The extension of communication possibilities however has also new chances for the proclamation. The Church should however openly speak as Church and not as a social movement or relief organisation. People expect from her not questions, but answers. 




Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013