Der protestantische Presse-Dschungel: Zur Situation der evangelischen Publizistik in der BR Deutschland


  • K. Rüdiger Durth


protestantische Presse, evangelische Publizistik,


Nicht der Kirche liebste Kinder
"Journalisten sind sicher nicht der Kirche liebste Kinder." Diese nüchterne, keineswegs bittere Feststellung von Heinz Rossig spiegelt nicht nur eine 23jährige Erfahrung als Redakteur der rheinischen Kirchenzeitung "Der Weg" wieder sondern kann auch für den deutschen Protestantismus und sein Verhältnis zur eigenen wie nur säkularen Presse gelten. Obwohl im 16. Jahrhundert das gedruckte Wort eine
"Sturmtruppe" der Reformation bildete, Martin Luther ohne Johannes Gutenberg
kaum denkbar ist, sitzt die "Angst vor der Zeitung" tief. Allerdings gilt Massenkommunikation in vielen Kirchenleitungen heute als Zauberwort, mit deren Hilfe man innerkirchliche Probleme zu lösen hofft. (...) 


The Pr.otestant Church in Germany, faced with apathy and loss of membership, is forced to revise its attitude towards the press, even though journalists themselves are not "the most loved children of the Church" (Heinz Rosig). Since the '60s regional circulation of Church papers has decreased. At the beginning of the '70s there was some clearing of the ground, but the downward trend in circulation was not halted. This need not be so. The author feels that the jungle of Protestant papers, as seen in the situation in Northrhine Westphalia, is difficult to sort out. He pleads for more efficient Public Relations work through injecting new life into Press offices in ecclesiastical and administrative places, and calls especially for
building up an effective quality press with better Iayout, more and better editors, and concentration of talents. His main concern, however, is better information within the Church about the secular media and weeklies, and with well-produced regional and local Churd papers. In a;ddition, there should be a few professional and specialised publications for the whole Church, as well as theological publications and a national Youth Magazine. 




Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013