Piet Derksen und seine Medienarbeit: Stein der Weisen oder Stein des Anstoßes?


  • Joan Hemels


Piet Derksen, Medienarbeit, Medien in Europa,


Am 27.06.1990 wurde im Zentrum der europäischen Hauptstadt Brüssel das 'Institut deJournalisme- European Media Studies Robert Schuman' (Robert Schuman-Institut) eröffnet und eingeweiht. Die Eröffnungszeremonie bestand aus der Enthüllung einer Tafel zum Andenken an Robert Schuman; sie wurde vollzogen von dem Mitglied des Europaparlaments und ehemaligen belgischen Ministerpräsidenten Leo Tindemans, zusammen mit dem niederländischen Unternehmer (i. R.) Piet Derksen. Msgr. De Hovre, Weihbischof von MechelenBrüssel, führte die Einweihung durch; er ist auch Kuratoriumsmitglied des neuen Brüsseler Instituts und Belgiens 'Medienbischof. (...)



A Dutch multimillionaire, Piet Derksen, has been endeavouring to missionize world-wide by using all the publishing and electronic media at his disposal. He contributed his fottune to a foundation which has since then supported with !arge sums of money the evangelisation organisation 'Lumen 2000' which has created a sensation internationally. The radio empire Lumen 2000 wishes to give ]esus Christ a special presentfor his two thousandth birthday: an evangelized world converted by television. Lumen 2000 is also supported by the Pope and the Vatican. Nevertheless the question arises how one has to evaluate this media work controlled by conservative forces; nominally in the light of creation of a Christian community full of life, and of the demand for a credible form of communication. Not only at an international Ievel but also in Holland Piet Derksen has tried to reverse the developments set in motion during the Second Vatican Council among Catholic people. The author explains this obdurate mobilization of the media in the service of conservative thought with the wide-spread uncertainty about standards and values. It offers fertile ground for efforts at regression. The author particularly criticizes as unhelpful Derksen's deliberately encouraged strengtherring of conservative trends in the Dutch Catholic Church and does not expect much good to come from its effect at an international Ievel.  




Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013