Zu einer neuen Weltinformationsordnung


  • Paul Roth


Information, Informationsordnung, neue Weltinformationsordnung,


Niemand auf der Welt ist heute mit dem internationalen Informationsfluß, der Kommunikation auf der Erde, zufrieden. Die heftige Auseinandersetzung um eine "Neue Weltinformationsordnung" in der UNESCO zeigt es. Die vereinfachte Darstellung in manchen Zeitungen kann zu dem Urteil führen, es handle sich nur um eine politische Auseinandersetzung zwischen Ost und West. In Wirklichkeit geht es um ein ProblemknäueL Einige Fäden dieses Knäuels sollen die Vielfalt der Problematik exemplarisch verständlich machen. Auch die katholische Kirche ist an einer Verbesserung derweltweiten Kommunikation interessiert. (...)



The expression "New Communication Order" was created within UNESCO in 1974, it became "New World Information Order" two years later and is since 1980 the "New World Information and Communication Order" (NWICO). The word ist new, but the problern old since already deep in history people through information tried to also exert power. For the Developing Countries the NWICO is related to the "New World Economic Order'~ On the one hand many developing countfies want protection from foreign informationand media where as on the other hand theywant their own informationtobe spread internationally. With this situation one has also to consider that many developing countfies do not have democratic traditions who also in Europe developed over a long period of time. The whole subject has quite some political implications and became part of the power struggle between the two bigpolitical blocks. The catholic Church underlines since Pope Pius XII. and John XXIII. the right for the freedom of information and expression. In the Pastoral Instruction "Communio et Progressio" there are some considerations related to the subject. A full treatment ofthe NWICO by the church however is not yet given. 




Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013