Kirche und Medien: die Welt als Dorf


  • Franz Oudejans


Kirche und Medien, Medienwandel,


Ein Dorf ohne Eltern, so hat der belgisehe Priesterdichter Anton van Wilderode einen Ort genannt, an den er nach langer Zeit zurückkehrte. Das Vertraute schien verschwunden zu sein: das Dorf war ganz und gar in Fertigware verwandelt: mit Reihenhäusern, Einheitsläden, neuen Straßenzügen und Ampeln. Was ihm einst seine Atmosphäre gegeben hatte, war nicht mehr. (...) 



Despite the world becoming technically a global village the alienation seems to be bigger than ever. Unlike expectations the communication seems to be converted into the opposite. Everybody is taking care of himself. There are men however who try and fight against this, also from the Christians. But also within the Churches the importance of the media is more admowledged theoretically than in practice. The Churches are groupings who do need to be part of the media in this world. A theology of communications seems to be necessary. There are still members of the clergy who consider the media as their enemy because of its plurality. The development of the media also entails the danger of a growing privatisation of the society. But the possibilities for proclamation with the media are still great. Therefore all openings for a respective training should be used. The capability to use the media in the Church are definitely important for a strategy of survival.




Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013