Zehn Jahre nach "Communio et Progressio"


  • Franz-Josef Eilers


Communio et Progressio, 10 Jahre danach,


Bei jeder Beurteilung von "Communio et Progressio" darf man zunächst den Ursprung dieser Pastoralinstruktion nicht vergessen: Beim Dokument "Inter Mirifica" des zweiten Vatikanums über die sozialen Kommunikationsmittel gab es den "ausdrücklichen Auftrag des Konzils, ein Pastoralschreiben" herauszugeben. Von dieser Aussage des Konzils aus dem Jahre 1963 erhält die am 30. Mai 1971 mit den Anfangsworten "Communio et Progressio" veröffentlichte Pastoralinstruktion ihr Gewicht und ihre Bedeutung. (...) 


After ten years one must say that the pastoral instruction Communio et Progressio, commissioned by the second Vatican Council has contributed towards a growing awareness of the importance of communications within and for the Church. Stimulated by this document professional and Church structures for communications have been initiated or further developed, professionals have been trained and finances have been given. The concept of mass media has been extended to group media and all other means of communication in society (social communications ). W orld Day of Communications became in many places a standing institution. The Pontifical Commission for Social Communications has organised continental conferences on the implementation of Communio et Progressio in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. It Iacks however a special department for international concerns which would also help to follow-up on world Ievel the concerns and proposals ofthe pastoral instruction. 




Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013