Medienerziehung in der Erwachsenenbildung


  • Georg Betz


Medienerziehung, Erwachsenenbildung,


Erwachsenenbildung in katholischer Trägerschaft, die in der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland über ein nahezu flächendeckendes Organisationsnetz verfügt, hat
Medienerziehung verbal zu einem ihrer Arbeitsschwerpunkte erklärt. Schon die
grobe Analyse der Leistungsstatistiken und Veranstaltungsverzeichnisse kann
jedoch zeigen, daß - bei aller Differenziertheit der Programmsituation -
Anspruch und Wirklichkeit zumindest vor Ort, außerhalb der Bildungshäuser, sehr
weit auseinanderklaffen. (...) 


Except in specialised institutions, commitment to media instruction within the framework of Catholic Adult Education leaves much tobe desired, bothin quality and quantity. This situation arises partly from the Iack of qualified lecturers. Weak and indifferent training schemes seem to stem more generally from weaknesses in structure and theory ofthe whole education system: decision on the programme is left to cooperators who arenot sufficiently competent in this area. Then there is the pressure of achieving success and visible results, and an insufficient theoretical competence on the part of decision makers. There is also a Iack of coordination
and interlink between the different disciplines as weil as the need to ensure a sufficient nurober ofparticipants in order to obtain appropriate subsidies. This situation can be remedied within an overall theoretical foundation and a more streamlined structure in the whole area ofCatholic Adult Education, and a more up-to-date orientation for continued formation, and the situation of media education. 




Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013