Kirchenfunk im Österreichischen Rundfunk


  • Dorothea Winkler


Kirchenradio Österreich,


Die Intention dieser Studie war es festzustellen, welche Faktoren ftir die Produktionen des Kirchenfunks im Österreichischen Rundfunk (ORF) maßgebend sind, wobei die Darstellung der speziellen Probleme der beiden kirchlichen Abteilungen - des Hörfunks und des Fernsehens - sowie Ansätze zu deren Bewältigung integriert werden sollten. (...) 


The basic work ofthe Austrian Radio's religious departments is treated here. The conditions und er which broadcasts originate depend on historical, ecclesiastical, legal and organisational factors within the station itself. A futurepositive development ofthe religious departments depends not only on a better use of existing opportunities, but also on a new concept. To achieve this, a definition of information and proclamation is needed. Authors, too, must be freed from the necessity of acting on behalf of Church authorities. Listeners expect to hear
comments and help on all aspects of daily life. Church broadcasting should aim at more than the mere transmission oftheological knowledge; it should confront the world in a Christian spirit, leading to open dialogue. By closer involvement in all questions of public life, the Church would have a greater influence on society by its religious programmes. 




Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013