Die Botschaft als Plakat


  • Oskar Söhngen


Kirche und Medien, Werbung, Botschaft als Plakat,


Es war zu Anfang der dreißiger Jahre, als ich in einem gescheiten Buch die verwunderte Frage las, warum es eigentlich nicht in jedem Haushaltsplan einer Kirchengemeinde auch einen Titel"Werbung" gäbe. Den Namen des Autors und den Titel des Bucheshabe ich längst vergessen, aber diese Frage hatte mir eingeleuchtet und ist deshalb bei mir haften geblieben. Gemeint war Werbung in der Öffentlichkeit und mit den Mitteln der Massenmedien, vor allem auch des Plakats. Der Autor blieb damals noch ein einsamer Rufer in der Wüste. (...) 


At one time Church posters carried a single Bible quotation. Competition with a pluralistic society has meant that the picture poster has become accepted in Christian Churches. This now calls for some kind of stock-taking. With this in view, the Protestant Church in Germany has created a project group to examine the impact of posters. Starting with current material, criteria and principles have been worked out as a basis for a poster competition by the "Gemeinschaftswerk der
evangelischen Publizistik". Out of a total of 980 posters some 38 have been selected as good examples und er the heading, "The message as poster- the posteras message." A corresponding catalogue has also been published. The working party classified posters as follows: posters for conscientisation, posters for events, posters for campaigns and those which publicise the Church or its institutions. If the poster is to be used as an indispensable means of modern communications, then a clearly defined concept is required. A good poster must catch the eye, should leave room for the recipient's imagination, should create motivation and impulses for action, should express a certain aim, and should coordinate the wording and the illustration in an acceptable way. There is no blueprint for the composition or assessment of a Christian poster. This is an
area requiring further study. 




Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013