Konflikte im Kirchenfernsehen - Zum Beispiel "Blickfeld"


  • KOnrad Simons


Kirche und Medien, Konflikte im Kirchenfernsehen, katholisches Fernsehen,


"Verbreite die Lehren deiner Religion über die ganze Welt, töte und schlachte diejenigen, die gegen dich sind, nimm dir Land, um Kirchen darauf zu bauen." Mit diesen Worten kennzeichnete an einem Samstagnachmittag 1 das "Blickfeld - Kirche und Gesellschaft" im (ersten) ARD-Fernsehen die Arbeit christlicher Missionare. Ein indianischer Protestsänger trug seine Ansichten auf einer Kundgebung für bedrohte Völkervor. In deutscher Üb.ersetzung eingeblendethieß es weiter: "Nimm ein Kind, solange es noch erziehbar ist, verdirb sein Denken und seine Empfindungen. Geh und erzähl dem Eingeborenen, daß er Christ werden muß ... Stopf ihm die Heilige Schrift in den Rachen, würg ihm deine Worte rein, bis es ihm den Hals zuschnürt!" (...) 


The organization oftheGerman TV is neither governmental nor private. It has a religious department which producesa monthly magazine underthe title "Vision, Church and Society". Ananalysis ofthe contributions to this magazine shows, that the editor ofWestdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) who is responsible for the transmission, is always trying to discover conflicts in Christian Churches
and to evaluate them critically in view of the official Church. This has led to several protests particularly from the Catholic side. The public organization oftheGerman radio stations prohibits tendencious and onesided Church criticism ofthat kind. Particularly because the Churches are part of public services carrying the broadcasting system, the editors cannot on their own authority transmit controversial topics only, but must give a balanced view of the whole Church, says
Wilhelm Schätzler, in charge of radio and TV for the bishops' Conference. He therefore requires that Church editors have to be mediators of religious news and of opinions as they are really represented in the Church. The two Christian Churches have a person responsible for radio and for TV at each station whose duty is to cooperate with the Church editors. In Iransmissionsofa pastoral character they have a decisive and theologically responsible position. In contributions
about the Church these Church responsibles should cooperate as consultants. The right to control a station is given to the supervising board, which for the WDR is the radio council, where Church representatives can voice their complaints. 




Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013