Zur Arbeit kirchlicher AV-Medienzentralen


  • Klaus Hinkelmann


Communio et Progressio, kirchliche AV-Zentralen,


Die Pastoralinstruktion Communio et Progressio über .die Instrumente der sozialen Kommunikation intendierte weitgehende Veränderungen im Verhältnis der Kirche zu den Medien überhaupt. Sie brachte auch in der Bundesrepublik eine Neuordnung der Medienarbeit mit sich, unter anderem wurden nach 1970 verstärkt AV -Medienzentralen in den Diözesen eingerichtet, soweit nicht die alten Diözesanfilmstellen diese Aufgaben übernahmen. (...) 


In addition to the State film and media centres, A V Media Centres of the Church have, in recent years, developed most positively. The question has now to be raised as to how they fit into the overall framework of these activities. Along with State film and media centres, the Church centres are responsible for A V material for religious instruction in state schools. Apart from the tasks which they have in common there are also some differences in structure, aim, and legal aspects, which should not be overlooked, otherwise this could Iead to a premature demand for amalgamation of Church centres with those of the State, which do not answer the various explicit needs of the Church. The Church centres have to help her realise her values, her interpretation of the world, and her proclamation of the good news to modern man. The author pleads for separate media and services through the distribution organisations, according to needs of local users. Co-operation between the distributors and users should be organised according to the needs and opportunities 'sur place'. This should be possible if they are guided by concrete local needs of the project. 




Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013