Presse-Ethik als Gegenargument?


  • Henk Prakke


Presseethik, Presse Ethik, publizistische Ethik, ethische Studie,


Lohnen sich umfangreiche Studien über publizistische Ethik in einer Zeit, welche die alten abendländischen Normen längst umfunktioniert hat? Seit eh und je kennen wir Journalisten-Codes als Normenkataloge für die publizistische Praxis. Ihre Begründung fanden sie meist im sittlichen Bewußtsein. Die Zeitung soll „all the news that's fit to print" geben. Den meisten Journalisten war zum Thema „publizistische Normen" nur Scotts Faustregel „Comment is free, but facts are sacred" gegenwärtig. (...) 


Henk Prakke taught Communications at the University of Münster from 1960 to 1969. He himself contributed in !arge measure to the reform in overcoming the old „Zeitungswissenschaft" (Journalism) which had been determined by fixed norms, and so helped the progress towards a neutral and rather positivistic science of Communications according to Amcrican modcls. He now raises the question of the importance of stable criteria in the process of Social Communications. He is prompted to ask this question by the publication of a South African scholar, Petrus Gerhardus Snyman („Pers en Leser"2). Snyman strives to present a Christian orientated ethic of the Press. His deliberations are based on the teachings of Calvin. He underlines the uniqueness of man as the originator and user of the Press. Prakke welcomes these arguments as countercharges in a time where only the „new" seems to carry weight. 



