lnterreligious Dialogue as Communication. Final Statement of the Fifth Bishops' Institute for Social Communication (BISCOM V) Congress in Bali, lndonesia, from November 22 to 27, 2004
Kommunikation, Communication, Medien, Media, interreligiöser Dialog, interreligious dialogue, Biscom V,Abstract
We, the 70 participants of BISCOM V from 21 countries comprising of bishops, theologians, media experts and communication animators involved in "Interreligious Dialogue as Communication" met in Bali, Indonesia, from November 22 to 27, 2004, to study and discuss the social communication dimension of Interreligious dialogue. We exchanged experiences of Interreligions dialogue in our different countries of Asia. We listened to facts about the communications explosion and the immense possibilities it offers but also its risks. We then strengthened our resolve to create a "culture of dialogue" by working for freedom, justice and peace in our societies through our work in communication. (...)
Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013