Trendmonitor "Religiöse Kommunikation 2003": Konsequenzen für die katholische Kirche
Kommunikation, Medien, Kirche, Trendmonitor, religiöse Kommunikation, Religion, Trendmonitor "Religiöse Kommunikation 2003", Information, ÖffentlichkeitAbstract
Sie alle kennen die Gefühls- und Gedankenmischung, die wohl auch diese Tagung prägen wird: Es gibt viele Hinweise auf einen Terrainverlust der Kirche, es gibt aber auch den Willen und das Sendungsbewußtsein, nicht zu resignieren, sondern klar zu erkennen, worin die Chancen und Her- ausforderungen liegen, die unser Handeln bestimmen sollen. (...)
Hans Langendörfer SJ: Consequences of the research on Religious Com- munication 2003 for the Catholic Church
At present, the German Bishops Conference is in a process of renewing and concentrating its media efforts on the allover level of the dioceses to improve the economical situation and adjust the contents to the actual demand. With the results of the Allensbach research showing a diminis- hing interest in special Church programs, the Bishops Conference believes that the consequence cannot be a withdrawal of means for their media engagement but profiling catholic media work. This includes the training of young joumalists and improving the knowledge and use of professional skills for radio-, TV- and internet-programming. In three fields, Church media efforts must be reconsidered by analysing the traditional forms of radio and TV-programs and developing new forms in cooperation with the networks; by developing intemet activities of the Church especially to reach younger people; and checking and improving the print sector of religious papers and books. In order to gain a proper religious media communication, the Church is facing four options: first, investing means for innovations, that could answer new developments; second, supporting promising new engagements; third, consolidating long existing necessary media products; fourth, having the courage not to continue out-of-date products.