Religiöse Kommunikation heute - Erkenntnisse aus dem ,Trendmonitor 2000'. Situationsanalyse und Empfehlungen


  • Rüdiger Schulz


Kirche, religiöse Kommunikation, Trendmonitor 2000, medialer Einfluss der Kirche, Chancen, Trends,


An der Jahrhundertwende stellt sich die Frage nach den personalen und medialen Einfluss- und Wirkungschancen der katholischen Kirche mit besonderer Dringlichkeit. Eklatanter Priestermangel, weiterhin rückläufiger Gottesdienstbesuch, eine hohe Zahl von Kirchenaustritten noch immer weit über dem Niveau der fünfziger, sechziger, siebziger und auch achtziger Jahre, ungebremste Reichweitenverluste kirchlicher Medienangebote und Überalterung der Gottesdienstbesucher wie der Nutzer kirchlicher Medien sowie unübersehbarer Bedeutungsverlust der Kirchen im öffentlichen Leben sind ernst zu nehmende Symptome einer anhaltenden Krise kirchlicher und religiöser Kommunikation. In dieser schwierigen Lage drängen sich Fragen auf: Welche kirchlichen oder religiösen Informations- und Kommunikationsbedürfnisse - im weitesten Sinne - haben die deutschen Katholiken auch heute noch? Inwieweit werden diese schon jetzt personal und/oder medial ausreichend befriedigt, oder gibt es noch unbefriedigten Informations- und Kommunikationsbedarf? Und, falls 'ja': Welche Kommunikationswege eröffnen der Kirche noch vergleichsweise gute Chancen, nicht nur der Kirche engverbundene Gläubige, sondern auch ferner stehende Katholiken zu erreichen? (...)



Rüdiger Schulz: Trendmonitor: Religious Communication 2000- Concentrating on People's Reality of Life 

In 1994/95 two extensive studies, namely "Prospects of Bishopric Magazines" and "Prospects of Religious Literature", were conducted. In the autumn of 1999, important data gained in the two former studies was updated in a representative survey amongst 2189 Catholics aged 16 and onwards. The recent poll additionally asked questions about interpersonal communication with pastoral workers, active parishioners as well as the family and circle of friends. Furthermore, questions about religious or church participation in radio, TV and intemet were included. The survey proves that ties to the Church or Religion have continued to decline in recent years. As a result, the Situation of denominational mass communication in Germany has become increasingly difficult. Most Catholics state that the secular media sufficiently meets their needs for religious and church information and communication. They demand no further information and reports about church events and church development. However, it is worth mentioning that additional information and communication is wanted about topics concerning answers to the meaning of life and counselling. The usability of information is especially in demand nowadays. If church magazines do not concentrate on people's reality of life, their questions, hopes and fears, they will not succeed in winning new readers in addition to the dwindling numbers of believers and those strongly attached to the Church. In order to address a greater number of people, well-tried means must be consolidated while new means must be developed. The upcoming of religious Iiterature gives reason to hope. The acceptance and image of religious books have been improved and centrat religious topics have been elaborated on due to a wider range of religious literature. These offers now also include books on counselling, meditation, and the meaning of life. More consistent and strategic use must be made of the possibilities of catching people's attention by surprise with the help of secular media, for example by broadcasting "Words of the Day" on radio. Therefore, Cooperation with secular media must be sought and intensified by all means. Additionally, unconventional methods such as the free distribution of magazines and Ieaflets to Catholic homes must be tested.  




Communicatio Socialis 1968-2013