Hausmannskost für das liebe Volk. Antirevolutionäre Publizistik und fideistisches Weltbild in Adolph Kolpings "Katholischen Volkskalendern" 1850 bis 1853
Adolph Kolping, antirevolutionäre Publizistik, Würdigung,Abstract
Über den im Jahre 1865 verstorbenen Organisator der katholischen Gesellenvereine Adolph Kolping ist im Verlaufe von etwa 140 Jahren sehr vieles geschrieben worden, zumeist über den "Gesellenvater" und seine Pädagogik, vereinzelt auch über den "Schriftsteller" oder "Volksbildner". Nur ganz wenige dieser Veröffentlichungen können als historisch- kritisch eingestuft werden. (...)
Franz Lüttgen: "Hausmannskost für das liebe Volk" (Husbandman's fare for the beloved people). Anti-revolutionary journalism and the fideistic view of the world in Adolf Kolping's "Katholischen Volkskalendern" (Catholic People's Calendar) from 1850 to 1853
From 1850, Adolf Kolping (1813·1865). the organizer of the Catholic Joumeymen's Guild, published an annual "Peoples Calendar". As an acute observer of the revolution who tried to understand its failure from a christian point of view, the "Kalendermann" Kolping demonstrated a closeness in time to the events of 1848/1849 in his calendars for the years 1850 and 1851. He was not ashamed, while doing this, to newly define termssuch as "Democracy" and "Freedom" to suit his own purposes and fit into his concept. His foreward to the Katholischen Volkskalen · der 1852 is looked into from the point ofview of it as a popularisation of a fideistic or traditionalist view of the world in which the fundamental equality of all humans and the autonomy of the earthly reality were still unknown. The social consequences of this view of the world as they come to fruition in the popular tales and narratives in the Katholischen Volks· kaiender 1852 und 1853 show how Kolping fed Hausmannskost (Husbandman's fare) to his beloved people and not Hausfrauenkost (housewife's fare).